the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
7502036 97242 is Xara Beatrice Matsagou a real person Not in a million years
7501025 875951 will my mom say yes Ask again later
7500770 344256 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in back bed room in morning Not in a million years
7500433 146837 Does frankie love me My reply is no
7500305 1007185 Give me 3 numbers that are going to make me win uk49s My sources say no
7500291 344256 Alfreda Mosley was sleeping in back bed room last night Yes - definitely
7500284 848389 beep beep Cannot predict now
7500274 522339 Was she waiting for me to see her at bakery Outlook good
7500267 705409 numbers for uk49s luchtime draw Most likely
7500266 716533 Can I take medicine ? My sources say no
7500265 716533 Can I have medicine ? Concentrate and ask again
7500264 122826 Did I have a bad paycheck As I see it, yes
7500248 344256 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in 3rd bed room in morning right now Cannot predict now
7500246 344256 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in first bed room in morning right now Without a doubt
7499984 161426 and they was so good looking that I was flustered and frustrated ! esp that dude in red. Concentrate and ask again
7499332 1018232 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in middle bed room in morning right now Yes
7498929 943749 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in front bed room last night Yes
7498906 332773 give me numbers for tea time uk 49s for today Count on it
7498231 893261 Tu trabajo es una obra tocdaa por el dedo de Dios..yo soy un ferviente admirador de lo que salgo de mi asombro..he he estremecido hasta mi propia alma viendo tus manos magicas materializar un grito desde el corazon mismo de una humanidad sufriente.En nuestro pais hay mas de 1500 000 nif1os que son explotados y mueren mas de 165 mil por af1o por desnutricion infantil..sobre un escaso porcentaje de algo mas de 40 millones de argentinos..quisiera que tu obra llegue aqui rapidamente, por que su luz permitiria expandir la conciencia de millones y seguramente las cosas empesarian a cambiar, quedo a tu servicio para colaborar con lo que fuera para posibilitar tu llegada o la de tu obra aqui donde impera la injusticia y donde nuestros gobiernos embanderados con una demagogia insostenible hacen oidos sordos a los gemidos de un pueblo desesperado , angustiado,desgarrado de dolor..victimas de una injusticia cada vez mas intolerable. MIS SALUDOS Y MI MAS CALUROSA FELICITACION POR TU MARAVILLOSA OBRA DE AMOR. My sources say no
7497841 915380 I think you would secretly enjoy a kick of his useless balls wouldn't yoh Signs point to yes
7497693 49691 Should I text Nicholas Better not tell you now
7497485 902228 Im only asking for 3 numbers uk luch time for tomorrow Not in a million years
7497296 34072 Will Moe get in touch with me? Very doubtful
7495829 610782 Alfreda Mosley sleeping in back bed room in morning now Yes - definitely
7495801 835635 Is Madhu talk to me first this time? Not in a million years
7492445 271729 Will a becca sullen vampire spell work on me Very doubtful
7491203 945214 Will 8 10 36 be drawn on uk49 teatime draw today It is decidedly so
7491202 945214 Predict three lucky numbers for teatime today Better not tell you now
7491156 945214 will numbers 8 and 18 be drawn in today uk49 teatime draw Signs point to yes
7491134 216659 Quinzell A. Smith criminal record Outlook not so good
7491092 359788 kaisi ladki milegi mujhe Outlook good
7490868 615628 am i stupid? Concentrate and ask again
7489780 447183 I should continue to ignore and avoid Raven Boyd? Without a doubt
7489776 756400 will 25 and 33 be lucky numbers for tonight tea time Better not tell you now
7489775 447183 Raven Boyd will eventually be charged in connection to the Michael Bernback rapes? Not in a million years
7489774 447183 Raven Boyd arranged dates for Michael Bernback via Craig's list and other sites with multiple girls? It is certain
7489390 490153 should I wank tonight Yes - definitely
7488590 1025083 Do you want to see Leotardman nude first Count on it
7488154 536843 does austin like me Very doubtful
7487906 31815 Should I masterbate tonight My sources say no
7487089 141434 partiet stopper aldri i Norge Yes - definitely
7486852 152759 Will things change? Very doubtful
7486773 847060 i will marry riya chhajlani Not in a million years
7486251 848389 a.ldta. dhd. md It is decidedly so
7486214 848389 ibytb. nk Not in a million years
7486176 818879 Alfreda Mosley unhappy Ask again later
7484994 121072 Should I ask her right now? Very doubtful
7484592 97156 Alfreda Mosley bitter with life Yes
7484079 274409 Lucky numbers for uk49s lunchtime for today Not in a million years
7481568 1014162 Is Tadashia Tucker faithful to her husband? As I see it, yes