the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8698095 166205 will she play it more It is decidedly so
8698094 166205 did linda like the sequence game Very doubtful
8698093 166205 will jon have a good job Cannot predict now
8698092 166205 will she have a good job Count on it
8698091 166205 will they stay together Signs point to yes
8698090 166205 will he jjust have 1 child NO!
8698089 166205 will he get married My reply is no
8698087 166205 will thhe baby be born this week My sources say no
8698086 166205 wiith his hormones balanced is his bipolar mild Signs point to yes
8698085 166205 will he have kids Outlook good
8698084 166205 doess his drugs need to be a lower dose It is decidedly so
8698083 166205 should he go back on hios drugs Most likely
8698082 166205 should he go back on his drugs Better not tell you now
8698081 166205 was his testerone just off My reply is no
8698080 166205 is Jon bipolar It is certain
8698073 774966 Does she want to text Yes
8698072 774966 Does she want to talk Very doubtful
8698070 11896 Will I win big today at the casino Most likely
8698069 556059 Is 16 & 19 going to in for lunch today Concentrate and ask again
8698068 556059 Is 18 going to in for lunch NO!
8698067 556059 Is 42 going to in for lunch Without a doubt
8698066 556059 Is 16 going to in for lunch today My sources say no
8698065 784531 should nicks name be dumb dumb NO!
8698064 784531 is viola dumb My sources say no
8698063 784531 Is nick dumb? Very doubtful
8698062 784531 can yyou tell me something Without a doubt
8698061 784531 are you real? Very doubtful
8698060 1013575 Bonus today lunchtime prediction Count on it
8698059 1013575 39 will be single Outlook not so good
8698058 1013575 Can 39 be in uk49 lunchtime today My reply is no
8698057 1013575 49 can be at Uk49 lunchtime today My sources say no
8698056 255124 Do it or not do it It is decidedly so
8698055 255124 Yes or no Not in a million years
8698054 303391 31 will bonus today on lunchtime Very doubtful
8698053 303391 Orange color will be bonus today on lunchtime Outlook good
8698037 61146 Is today going to be a really positive day Count on it
8698036 61146 Will I have better opportunities after this Outlook not so good
8698035 61146 Does he actually feel very sorry for ne Most likely
8698034 62987 Are we soulmates? Most likely
8698033 61146 Is it going to be very positive My sources say no
8698032 62987 Are we soulmates? Better not tell you now
8698031 61146 Is it going to be okay NO!
8698030 62987 Will he marry me? Count on it
8698029 61146 Will it be better than I hoped As I see it, yes
8698028 62987 Does he really think that? Without a doubt
8698027 61146 Is he gona be fair to me As I see it, yes
8698026 61146 Will I get a good bonus after all Outlook good
8698025 62987 Does he miss me? Outlook good
8698024 62987 Will I receive a message in the morning? Most likely
8698023 62987 Will he choose me? My sources say no