the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8723468 34483 today is national no housework day. and Coffee Cake day. :D Most likely
8723467 34483 i'm sleepy. i am really tired Most likely
8723466 34483 someone has me on a miltiary radar. i just want to know why As I see it, yes
8723465 622496 Will Paul message me again? It is decidedly so
8723464 34483 i don't know anyting. i don't. Not in a million years
8723463 622496 Did Sophia tell Paul I was crazy? Outlook not so good
8723462 622496 Did Sophia tell Paul Iwas crazy? My sources say no
8723461 34483 wow. okay. its a waste of tax payers money. but oaky My sources say no
8723460 622496 Does Paul trust Sophia’s judgment? Yes - definitely
8723459 34483 its military isnt it? Outlook not so good
8723458 622496 Are Paul and Soohia close? Ask again later
8723457 34483 they plan on keeping me on a radar?is that a correct statement? Ask again later
8723456 622496 Did Paul tell Sophia I messaged him? Count on it
8723455 34483 will i ever be free ? Very doubtful
8723454 34483 its been awhile..since someone took me out. a date with a man my own age Better not tell you now
8723453 34483 i would like to date a good man. a real date. Outlook not so good
8723452 34483 i know how to look good. :) Ask again later
8723451 34483 my hair looked nice today As I see it, yes
8723450 34483 am I a hot girl? Count on it
8723449 34483 will i ever take a cruise? with just friends? It is certain
8723448 34483 will I ever travel?on my own? Concentrate and ask again
8723447 34483 will I ever heal? Outlook good
8723446 34483 i had a big day today. i'm tired now. : Very doubtful
8723445 34483 will Weight Watchers help? It is decidedly so
8723444 34483 will my feet ever stop bleeding? It is certain
8723443 34483 will i reach 150 lbs? Cannot predict now
8723442 34483 will I ever heal? my body? and feet? My sources say no
8723441 34483 will i ever be completely independent? NO!
8723440 34483 will I always have to depend on the govt? Yes
8723439 34483 will I ever be successful? in my career? Ask again later
8723438 75119 Will I keep SSI this year/this coming month? Without a doubt
8723437 75119 Will I keep SSI this year/this coming month? Outlook not so good
8723436 75119 Will I continue to get my SSI benefits this year? Will everything be okay? It is decidedly so
8723433 948882 Will B still be C's friend? Yes
8723432 948882 Will M try to turn B away from C? It is certain
8723431 948882 Is BS CM's true friend? Yes
8723430 948882 Will C be offered a seat at UD? Ask again later
8723429 948882 Will HS be any better? Count on it
8723428 948882 Will C thrive in MS once she gets used to it? NO!
8723427 948882 Will M even be an issue for C next year? Cannot predict now
8723426 948882 Will M and C go their own ways? My reply is no
8723425 948882 Is BM a true friend? My sources say no
8723424 948882 Did CM and HM stay in the troop? NO!
8723423 948882 Does CE want to be in a GS troop? Reply hazy, try again
8723422 948882 Is the new girl CE's true friend? Yes
8723421 948882 Will C be okay next year? Reply hazy, try again
8723420 948882 Will S be okay next year? Ask again later
8723419 948882 Will M try to turn people away from S and C? Better not tell you now
8723418 44609 Is Paul just a friend? Cannot predict now
8723417 948882 Will M and S be friends again? Very doubtful