the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8796711 574858 Are black girls the worst? Yes
8796710 574858 are Asian girls the best? Yes - definitely
8796709 574858 Are white girls better? Yes
8796708 574858 Are tall girls better than short girls? Not in a million years
8796707 574858 White girls or black girls? Outlook not so good
8796706 574858 Is BLM bad? It is decidedly so
8796705 574858 Is blaze pizza the best in the world? NO!
8796704 805392 will my company change their withholding for me It is certain
8796703 799097 Staff say I barely talk with them As I see it, yes
8796702 799097 Staff does not see that dide Ask again later
8796701 799097 Does Davis say I have been nice to her Count on it
8796700 805392 will ky workout Most likely
8796699 799097 Does Davis say I am a warm spirit NO!
8796698 799097 Does Davis say she has a warm heart Not in a million years
8796697 961616 Maintenance guy are players Concentrate and ask again
8796696 864155 Do I have a chance? Most likely
8796695 864155 Are they back together? NO!
8796694 864155 Are they back together? Reply hazy, try again
8796693 522560 Weight loss is hard is keeping it off Count on it
8796692 622496 Do I need to quit tomorrow? Outlook good
8796691 622496 Do I need to talk to Mike? Outlook good
8796690 622496 Does Matt feel like I have no skill? Outlook not so good
8796689 622496 Does Matt realize I am really nice? It is decidedly so
8796688 622496 Did Caryn not like me? Not in a million years
8796687 622496 Did Denise black ball me? Very doubtful
8796686 522560 I'm really struggling with it As I see it, yes
8796685 522560 Diabetes is killing me Yes
8796684 522560 Is there hope? Signs point to yes
8796683 622496 Does Koleen think I am crazy? It is certain
8796682 622496 Will Caryn talk to Koleen? Cannot predict now
8796681 622496 Did Donna talk to Caryn? Concentrate and ask again
8796680 622496 Will Matt pick me up? Without a doubt
8796678 47077 should i wank Ask again later
8796677 47077 yes or no My reply is no
8796676 47077 Should i masterbate tonight Reply hazy, try again
8796675 47077 should i Outlook not so good
8796674 864155 Will she come back to me? Count on it
8796673 961616 maintenance guy likes me It is decidedly so
8796672 961616 Maintenance likes me Not in a million years
8796671 321786 should I call ken wilson NO!
8796670 961616 He likes me Without a doubt
8796669 961616 Maintenance guy likes me Better not tell you now
8796668 961616 Maintenance guy thinking about me My reply is no
8796667 961616 Maintenance guy see me everyday Count on it
8796666 623499 is ben not going to give out information to my cousin sia when she rings My reply is no
8796665 623499 is ben not going to give out information to my cousin sia Outlook good
8796664 623499 is my solicitor not going to tell them information Outlook not so good
8796663 623499 is ben my solicitor going to give out information Count on it
8796662 166205 will I look good to Randy Yes
8796661 623499 is my cousin sia going to ring my solicitor up to find information As I see it, yes