the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8868625 933308 Has K. had feelings for me since the day I first met her in my ninth grade math class in early 2016? Signs point to yes
8868624 933308 Has K. had a crush on me since the day I first met her in my ninth grade math class in early 2016? It is certain
8868623 933308 Has K. always loved me since the day I first met her in my ninth grade math class in early 2016? Yes
8868622 933308 Has K. loved me since the day I first met her in my ninth grade math class in early 2016? Outlook good
8868621 933308 Has K. loved me for 5 years straight? As I see it, yes
8868620 933308 Has K. loved me for five years straight? Signs point to yes
8868619 933308 Does K. think that I’m wise! Most likely
8868618 933308 Does K. think that I’m wise? Concentrate and ask again
8868617 933308 Does K. think that I’m smart? As I see it, yes
8868616 933308 Does K. want to relax with me? Yes - definitely
8868615 933308 Does K. want to sleep in my arms? Outlook good
8868614 933308 Does Jesus want me to support Donald Trump? Very doubtful
8868613 933308 Does God want me to support Donald Trump? My reply is no
8868612 324420 should i do it My reply is no
8868611 324420 Should i agree with my friends to expose my other friend on what he did Reply hazy, try again
8868610 898948 If I say it will they As I see it, yes
8868609 898948 Should I say it As I see it, yes
8868608 933308 Was my childhood so happy that it feels sad now? NO!
8868607 933308 Was my childhood so happy that it’s sad? My sources say no
8868606 34483 There is no god in this mess . you chased him away Not in a million years
8868605 34483 I just do It is certain
8868604 34483 I know when someone acts normal NO!
8868603 34483 People barely look me in the eyes . Im treated terrible Concentrate and ask again
8868602 34483 Why must you? Without a doubt
8868601 34483 Why must you? Ask again later
8868600 34483 You spread rumors that are lies Most likely
8868599 34483 No one wants to be my friend... Because of you and your lies It is certain
8868598 34483 I just want my chance of life ...without you As I see it, yes
8868597 34483 Leave me alone ..please As I see it, yes
8868596 34483 But you Dont just enjoy hurting me ...spreading lies Very doubtful
8868595 34483 But you Dont just enjoy hurting me ...spreading lies Ask again later
8868594 34483 If only you tell me Outlook good
8868593 34483 I know you Chasse everything and everyone away Yes - definitely
8868592 34483 I truly think I need a new social system Not in a million years
8868591 34483 I have withdrawn into myself . its not good Most likely
8868590 34483 Im just trying to be happy again Yes
8868589 5193 Will me and and Karen get married NO!
8868588 5193 Will me and Kate get married Yes
8868587 5193 Will me and Shannon get married Outlook good
8868586 34483 Im really giving up hope Most likely
8868585 34483 Im really giving up hope Ask again later
8868584 34483 But with sooo many stalkers and hackers . I wonder if its possible NO!
8868583 34483 I just want to leave It is decidedly so
8868582 34483 I feel very alone . Outlook not so good
8868581 34483 I have no idea how to make new friends NO!
8868580 34483 I really miss hi! Signs point to yes
8868579 34483 I still don't want to face it My sources say no
8868578 34483 I feel sad my friend died It is decidedly so
8868577 933308 Does Kanye West think that I am a God? It is certain
8868576 933308 Will I get all my PrizeGrab entries finished tonight? My reply is no