the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8922519 798188 Does my mom know that I don’t support masks? It is certain
8922518 808936 will I be an Nba player My sources say no
8922517 808936 are real Count on it
8922516 860466 do i get 2 pups Very doubtful
8922515 860466 Do i buy madison pup Very doubtful
8922514 860466 Do i keep bailey pup NO!
8922513 860466 Is 5 dog to many Outlook good
8922512 798188 Does K. want me to date her? NO!
8922511 798188 Does K. want me to marry her? It is certain
8922510 896204 Should I wear jacket into this bar? Yes
8922509 896204 Should I wear my jacket into this bar? Very doubtful
8922501 152214 is bubba poor It is decidedly so
8922500 152214 will it be in the next month Yes - definitely
8922499 152214 is marvin getting a pc Yes
8922498 152214 is bubba a fake friend NO!
8922497 152214 is obed a fake friend As I see it, yes
8922496 152214 is 2022 going to be a good year As I see it, yes
8922495 152214 are my lungs ok Very doubtful
8922494 152214 are you doing math homework It is decidedly so
8922492 968111 if x-43=19, then whats the vaule of x? It is certain
8922490 152214 is amaiha mentally challenged My sources say no
8922489 152214 am i going to get married Yes - definitely
8922488 152214 is obed going to be homeless Yes - definitely
8922487 152214 is her name emerald Without a doubt
8922486 152214 is her name karma Concentrate and ask again
8922485 152214 is jayde having a girl Without a doubt
8922484 152214 is jayde pregnant Yes
8922482 152214 will jayde have an easy birth My sources say no
8922481 152214 will Jayde have a easy delivery Cannot predict now
8922480 152214 will i become a billionaire Yes
8922478 326144 will tonight be a good night Concentrate and ask again
8922476 326144 will i get covid this year Better not tell you now
8922475 152214 will i get healthy My reply is no
8922474 326144 will money be coming in my future Signs point to yes
8922473 326144 is ella sexy My sources say no
8922472 152214 am i smarter than obed Cannot predict now
8922471 326144 is skylar sexy Most likely
8922469 326144 will hill murray win My sources say no
8922467 152214 am i ugly Outlook good
8922465 152214 is obed rich As I see it, yes
8922463 152214 will I become a millionaire Most likely
8922462 326144 will the spartans win this basketball game NO!
8922460 152214 am i the smartest person in the world Better not tell you now
8922459 152214 will i lose weight As I see it, yes
8922458 152214 am i a genius Not in a million years
8922457 152214 is obed using me for clout It is certain
8922456 152214 is obed a real friend Ask again later
8922455 152214 does diveon like obed Very doubtful
8922454 152214 does marvin like men Yes - definitely
8922453 152214 am i adopted Yes