the Magic

Ask the Magic Eight Ball any question you want - a question that can be answered with YES or NO! Believe or not - this magic ball knows all the answers.

ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9086903 34483 Its 5 pm I cant believe the day flew Without a doubt
9086902 80147 Rob, I don't look up to you or care about your opinions. I did not invite you here and would kindly request that you phuck off. We don't have to talk about this, or talk at all. Thanks Cannot predict now
9086901 34483 I love men . not punks Outlook good
9086900 34483 I love Guys. They are hot Concentrate and ask again
9086899 80147 I don't like dudes at all. YOU should be the one to tell these people to phuck off. NO!
9086898 34483 I needed to purge My sources say no
9086897 34483 Im sleepy My reply is no
9086896 414926 Is Madeline sleeping right now As I see it, yes
9086887 80147 Do not insert any males into my life. Thanks It is decidedly so
9086886 751085 Is he cheating on me Very doubtful
9086885 80147 Honestly, honestly, nothing you do makes any sense to me. I think it's better if you just stay out of my life. We can be friends, but please just don't try to influence or change any aspect of my life. I know what I am doing. thanks. Without a doubt
9086884 80147 don't insert any random dudes into my life. They aren't needed or wanted. I don't know or understand why you would do that. It's very easy for me to make male friends. I'm just not that interested in them. Now I have to tell these people to phuck off. YOU are the reason why they are here. NO!
9086868 414926 Does Madeline see a future with me Concentrate and ask again
9086867 34483 Lol yup it's fun Outlook good
9086866 414926 Does Madeline want to date me Outlook good
9086865 414926 Is Madeline sad about me right now Outlook good
9086860 5016 Lunchtime magic uk 49 Yes - definitely
9086859 693453 Will I win tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Most likely
9086858 693453 Will I win tomorrow on lunchtime Very doubtful
9086857 693453 Will 40 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Very doubtful
9086856 693453 Will 19 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime As I see it, yes
9086855 693453 Will 16 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime It is decidedly so
9086854 693453 Will 27 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Not in a million years
9086853 693453 Will 25 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Most likely
9086852 693453 Will 17 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime As I see it, yes
9086851 693453 Will 33 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Count on it
9086850 693453 Will 32 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime NO!
9086849 693453 Will 32 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Reply hazy, try again
9086848 693453 Will 9 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime My sources say no
9086847 693453 Will 33 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Cannot predict now
9086846 693453 Will 20 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Concentrate and ask again
9086845 693453 Will 37 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Outlook not so good
9086844 693453 Will 49 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Outlook not so good
9086843 693453 Will I win Uk49 lunchtime tomorrow Outlook good
9086842 586413 Will i make money through Shopify Collabs? Without a doubt
9086841 586413 Was it like that cuz of that? It is decidedly so
9086840 968705 Does Lorna think of me Outlook not so good
9086839 693453 Will 48 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Without a doubt
9086838 968705 Does she remember me? As I see it, yes
9086837 693453 Will 21 play tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Outlook not so good
9086836 606096 do i tag him? It is certain
9086835 832473 Is Mike sick and going to hospital As I see it, yes
9086834 832473 Will Mike be admitted to hospital today Very doubtful
9086833 832473 Will Mike have to stay at the hospital this weekend Cannot predict now
9086832 832473 Will Mike have to stay at hospital this weekend Cannot predict now
9086831 832473 Will I have cash to play on this weekend Yes - definitely
9086830 832473 Will I have money to stay in motel this weekend My sources say no
9086829 832473 Will Mike be admitted to the hospital As I see it, yes
9086828 832473 Will Mike be admitted to the hospital today Reply hazy, try again
9086827 832473 Will I have a 1000 dollars cash tomorrow afternoon It is certain