the Magic

will we be together?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
7089948 377138 will we be together? It is certain
7089942 687398 is Kassie King (sassykatz79) going to be a p0rn star? Outlook good
7089289 923669 do u think ishi is doing exces neusense with me today Yes - definitely
7088987 17453 Does Cam Omoe leave Vancouver this year? Without a doubt
7088251 958130 Will mary minhaten have a dog Most likely
7087900 970419 Should I flip a coin to decide? Count on it
7087150 568425 Does she have a boyfriend? Concentrate and ask again
7087083 645662 means only rojar pass in isc It is certain
7086958 645662 do u think silky also in fixd rate basis Very doubtful
7086077 1032458 kabir dadi fix rachna marriage prem enter sapne suhane ladakpan ke Without a doubt
7086040 1032458 Six months have passed and Rachna and Bittoo seem deeply in love with each other sapne suhane ladakpan ke It is decidedly so
7085139 425400 Should I send a whatapp message to the boy? It is certain
7084459 408496 then quarrelng and fightng makes her lv for me It is decidedly so
7084457 408496 Do u think oela got lv at fight with me Without a doubt
7084434 308386 do u think i oneday said ramesha mam i really lk ishi much My reply is no
7084319 1019895 Ano tatama sa lotto bukas? My sources say no
7083949 149771 jhjhjk,mnfeethurt Reply hazy, try again
7081638 596921 Will I really win the entire Lotto Jackpot tonight? Outlook not so good
7081572 290370 does Walrus79 post on ziggal d0t c0m? It is certain
7080434 864396 he will be cursed with weight gain again Without a doubt
7080426 6276 does fiorella ermeti love someone as a boyfriend besides me Better not tell you now
7079765 709716 Does harry smell of poo? Count on it
7079361 755779 Does ross lynch masterbate Outlook good
7077947 247940 Will God bless me to win the entire Mega Millions Jacpot this Tuesday (night), October 7, 2014? Most likely
7077328 1039866 Oh do you want some public exposure fun for leotard man It is certain
7076380 588522 Is Zara matsagou a real spell caster It is decidedly so
7076171 1032681 Will the grade i get on the Quiz Monday night in Cmst 192 be a B? Concentrate and ask again
7076019 397732 do u think ronita didi is nt calng me coz ishi wil say i lv u to me in nov Signs point to yes
7075939 233460 will he message me? As I see it, yes
7075016 234907 do u think leo and gemini matches very fine Yes
7074636 874574 Alyssa valdez. Is the last girl of kiefer. Ravena It is decidedly so
7074635 874574 Alyssa valdez. Is the last girl of kiefer. Ravena Ask again later
7074560 387932 does pranita khamkar love me My sources say no
7074265 181159 means today ishi wil tel me i lv u Outlook good
7073461 1019192 wil i get my result in bcom hons with 65 percent frm c.u in 15th oct 2014 Signs point to yes
7073054 785808 can he read my mail Signs point to yes
7073048 785808 they are friends My reply is no
7073031 997155 Will edkam find me a job after training My reply is no
7073026 997155 Is edkam training centre a scam Cannot predict now
7073022 407533 dose alex hinton love jazmin draut Cannot predict now
7072724 661517 when u r going to gv ur marriage in 2019 Reply hazy, try again
7072514 801871 do u think cmpny msg me nw My sources say no
7071128 802392 u will never gv me happiness na My sources say no
7070914 802392 do u think when he saw that sank is nw 21years it tm to engage him As I see it, yes
7070378 18797 should I get an anolment Without a doubt
7068329 349860 do u think zyam and divi hd physical Count on it
7068159 777911 do you want me to put all the spaheggti down my stockings Count on it
7067854 311237 will i win 49s teatime lotto today Signs point to yes
7067742 349860 plz ans correctly don't ans hapazatly Not in a million years
7067547 302859 do u think sank will stop after marryng ishi in 2020 My reply is no