the Magic

is 2 lucky number for todays uk lunchtime lotto

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
7177857 200138 is 2 lucky number for todays uk lunchtime lotto Count on it
7177855 200138 is4the lucky number for uklunchtime for today Most likely
7176574 1041794 is 4 the lucky number foruk lunchtime lotto Ask again later
7175550 203544 Fenebatch will win tonite Very doubtful
7175523 203544 When ilast won supebets As I see it, yes
7175444 45860 dali ke se omazam? Not in a million years
7175295 853759 Do Xara Matsagou's spells really work? Outlook good
7171646 421954 Does ariana grande masterbate Count on it
7171643 421954 Does selena gomez masterbate NO!
7171402 812162 give me the uk 49s numbers Very doubtful
7170846 43955 Do Raimy Salazar and Elya Alexandrova love each other? Count on it
7170843 43955 Are Raimy Salazar and Elya Alexandrova still boyfriend and girlfriend? As I see it, yes
7170381 277848 I want to win a UK 49s lunch tomorrow My reply is no
7170304 556655 Kya meri manokamna kabhi puri nahi hogi Better not tell you now
7167990 829049 will i pass class 12th? It is decidedly so
7167955 969260 Will roel eleazer sevilla Hipolito and myla rebancos alcantara relationship last long? NO!
7167954 969260 Will roel eleazer sevilla Hipolito and Denise Anne Sandoval Salenga get back together? Yes
7165695 917211 Personality is a set of traits that define the way a person's behavior is perceived is that in respect of how they the perpetrator can't manage that other's have different ways of financing so that we are not all the same aging society. go on let me ask a question, when do you pay your bills when they have to be or when it's convenient cos to be honest I couldn't give a flying f about your financial curb, and that's all your showing so don't talk to me about it when you are the most singular celled idiot I've had the misfortune of having to be in the same room as you materialistic sitting on your fortune sl***ag Cannot predict now
7165462 984557 does tiara lindmier hate me with a passion? Concentrate and ask again
7164374 623439 Does 4 equal 5? It is certain
7163765 1016 Is Tyler Blevins in love with crystal williams yes or no Signs point to yes
7163747 1016 Was tyler blevins going to ask crystal williams to come over to his house tonight after she got done from walgreens that night for sure yes or no Outlook good
7162417 402113 Should I ask him? Count on it
7162083 697303 my name is shanie keppel will i have boyfriend called tiago nunes Better not tell you now
7162073 697303 my name is laura burley will i have a bo6friend called tiago nunes Yes
7161675 135281 kfdkmv,xvmx,cvncm,xvnxc Yes - definitely
7161353 899193 Did carmina apostol gave her cell number to kirk wohlgeschaffen? Concentrate and ask again
7159580 1016 Is Tyler Blevins really consirend about crystal williams tonight for sure yes or no As I see it, yes
7159307 598306 does uberhaxornova have a girlfriend Ask again later
7158920 998708 Does Xara Matsagou spells work? Most likely
7158142 633283 Does anyone else on this site even have a job? As I see it, yes
7157971 186722 does cameron boyce ever wank over lucy corderoy Outlook not so good
7157967 685373 What should I do today Most likely
7156618 899193 Should marlin ask kirk about his secrets? Most likely
7156419 773835 Will i get laid by tomorrow Signs point to yes
7156190 9827 Some mothers have lost custody,, and all control. I know men. I'd be extremely careful. Cannot predict now
7154442 1016 Is Tyler Blevins engaged to be married to crystal williams yes or no As I see it, yes
7154023 3085 98 do you get paid for typing? Concentrate and ask again
7154016 3085 do you want to see me again yeas or no? Reply hazy, try again
7153469 243174 Will he write me? Better not tell you now
7153449 337044 Is Wouter van Zonderen an infant soul? NO!
7152623 833514 Should I wait for Jererd to contact me Most likely
7152561 3658 is rosalba bucci moving in with giulio nini at his house in terrbone Yes - definitely
7152558 3658 can rosalba bucci house at 64 chemin saverne ville lorraine j6z 2v7 be blocked not to sell Signs point to yes
7152507 761691 What i should do in the night of fulsojja to please my wife Very doubtful
7151768 653038 Is Marzia Bisognin pregnant? Cannot predict now
7150597 142587 Do Baized Chowdhury finds Farhin Hansdot cute? My reply is no
7149732 787175 My friend, glen hiar, has vanished! can u tell me is he ok? Yes - definitely
7149723 735333 Will shaz come to see me tonigth? NO!
7149673 761982 Will I ever see Roya Grayson again? It is certain