the Magic

Steve smith pretend working

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8140327 786292 Steve smith pretend working Reply hazy, try again
8140324 359862 Am I going to keep my job today or not? Count on it
8140322 359862 Am I going to lose my job today? Count on it
8140321 757187 Go for massage Signs point to yes
8140320 757187 Did axsrdm already It is certain
8140319 757187 Did axsrdm already Concentrate and ask again
8140318 757187 Is axsilwm already As I see it, yes
8140317 757187 Ask axtpl Yes
8140316 757187 Talk to axslar Outlook good
8140315 757187 Expand etlp It is certain
8140314 757187 Add ceraaqh Very doubtful
8140313 757187 get into the competition and ky Without a doubt
8140312 170099 Will he ask to meet at the weeeknd It is decidedly so
8140311 170099 Did he try to ring last night Outlook good
8140308 928535 will a remember me when we see each other again Count on it
8140307 928535 will i ever see a again It is decidedly so
8140306 928535 will a remember me Cannot predict now
8140305 928535 did a want me to f her It is decidedly so
8140303 359862 Will God surprise and bless me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Concentrate and ask again
8140000 761400 does anyone really know anyone? Better not tell you now
8139319 567493 Is Craig ferguson a pervert? Outlook not so good
8138990 755781 Does the Ode to the Vampire Mother work? Outlook good
8137810 671931 Should I like his post? It is decidedly so
8137068 853513 verča je matějova holka? Count on it
8137067 853513 miluje matěj dominika? Signs point to yes
8137066 853513 miluje dominik matěje? Better not tell you now
8137065 853513 Míluje matěj holku? Without a doubt
8137064 853513 má matěj kamarádku? My reply is no
8137063 853513 má matěj holku? Concentrate and ask again
8137062 853513 má někdo rád matěje? Without a doubt
8137061 853513 Má Nela ráda matěje? Most likely
8137060 853513 Má verča ráda Matěje? Yes
8137059 853513 Kouří Domíno čůraký? Count on it
8137058 853513 Kouří matěj čůráky Count on it
8137057 853513 Je adéla hlaváčková děvka? My reply is no
8137056 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight or not? Which is it please? My reply is no
8137055 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight or not? Which is it please? Ask again later
8137054 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight or not? My sources say no
8137053 142983 Will God finally surprise, bless and favor me to be the sole winner of the entire Powerball Jackpot tonight? Outlook good
8137052 79672 Will we win the T-roc? Count on it
8137051 226121 will he come to me again for my teaching service? Yes
8137050 226121 does he want to ask me again about my courses? Signs point to yes
8137049 226121 will IDAM show an interest again for my lessons? Cannot predict now
8137048 757187 Make more deals As I see it, yes
8137047 877356 did jim assault his daughter My reply is no
8137046 877356 did jim walk in front of train on purpose Without a doubt
8137045 757187 Ask the nktc Signs point to yes
8137044 485561 Did Jonah look at me up and down yesterday? Ask again later
8137043 485561 Did Jonah look at me hard yesterday? Not in a million years
8137042 485561 Should I wear this button up today? Outlook good