the Magic

nobody respected your mexican.

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8452130 237178 nobody respected your mexican. Outlook good
8452129 237178 you got rejected at a wedding My reply is no
8452128 237178 ugly mexican can't have a social life NO!
8452127 237178 your face is ugly is the answer Yes - definitely
8452126 237178 then why'd you get rejected Count on it
8452125 237178 because you're ugly: your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... My sources say no
8452124 237178 you got rejected by KATE to your ugly mexican face! Count on it
8452123 237178 couldn't attract s e x y Kate RN NO!
8452122 237178 ugly farmer mexican from old mexico with the wab juab face : your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... As I see it, yes
8452121 237178 then how come people didn't pay attention It is certain
8452120 237178 the mexican farmer mexican all dirty and ugly: your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... Very doubtful
8452119 237178 sad ugly mexican: your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... Without a doubt
8452118 237178 your mexican is a social reject because your mexican's face is so ugly. Most likely
8452117 158622 Was it selina? Reply hazy, try again
8452116 237178 sad ugly little c o c k s u k k e r : your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... Most likely
8452115 158622 Did he get a message from someone dodgy just then? It is decidedly so
8452114 237178 ugly mexican is too ugly. Signs point to yes
8452113 158622 Will he be fit to play tomorrow? Outlook good
8452112 237178 your mexican was so ugly when it did the scripture reading everybody thought it was some ugly mexican there to clean up a religious table and everybody turned away and started talking. and your mexican is squeaking through some scripture and everybody didn't realize it or said " huh ! ... It is certain
8452111 158622 Will they be impressed? Most likely
8452110 158622 Will luton watch tomorrow? Signs point to yes
8452109 158622 Will a different club show interest in him? Count on it
8452108 158622 Will another club show interest in him? Reply hazy, try again
8452107 158622 Will he get spotted? Without a doubt
8452106 158622 Will he play his best? My reply is no
8452105 237178 nobody wanted your ugly mexican. Outlook not so good
8452104 158622 Will he play the whole match tomorrow? Without a doubt
8452103 237178 its face can't attract. Without a doubt
8452102 237178 ugly mexican is too ugly for socializing. Ask again later
8452101 158622 Will they sign him after the matches? Count on it
8452100 237178 you got rejected by the hot women in attendance at the wedding. Outlook not so good
8452099 158622 Will he have a trial after the matches? Not in a million years
8452098 158622 Will luton sign him? Yes
8452097 237178 you don't attract. hot chicks are out of your league. Better not tell you now
8452096 158622 Will they take him on? My reply is no
8452095 237178 not so - your face is too ugly. Not in a million years
8452094 158622 Will luton see his worth? It is decidedly so
8452093 158622 Will they still think hes behind? Yes
8452092 237178 ugly little mexican couldn't attract a hot white chick. It is decidedly so
8452091 158622 Will they see they were wrong? Very doubtful
8452090 158622 Will they be impressed? Very doubtful
8452089 158622 Will he play well? It is certain
8452088 237178 don mousel's ugly mexican nephew NO!
8452087 158622 Will he be ok to play tomorrow? Most likely
8452086 237178 its face and body are too ugly. Outlook good
8452085 237178 ugly mexican couldn't attract socially Yes
8452084 237178 your mexican is too ugly. It is certain
8452083 237178 MY sources are hot f u k k i n g women and they're all dead Very doubtful
8452082 237178 your sources are jewish and us special agents and cops. Yes
8452081 237178 because you're ugly. My sources say no