the Magic

Will I forever be happy with the end result of Specialshipping in the future?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8467192 344206 Will I forever be happy with the end result of Specialshipping in the future? Not in a million years
8467191 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, eventually be revealed to canonically be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Yes - definitely
8467190 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, eventually be revealed to be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Yes
8467189 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, will eventually be revealed to be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Without a doubt
8467188 344206 In the Pokémon Adventures manga series, which is currently written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto, will Red, The Fighter, canonically reciprocate the romantic feelings that Yellow, The Healer, harbors for him, thus leading to Specialshipping, also known as RedxYellow, becoming a shipping as canon as Franticshipping, also known as RubyxSapphire, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, which is currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Signs point to yes
8467187 344206 Will the next question I ask be have a true answer? Most likely
8467186 344206 Is the answer to 8467185 a lie? It is decidedly so
8467185 344206 In the Pokémon Adventures manga series, written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto, will Red, The Fighter, canonically reciprocate the romantic feelings that Yellow, The Healer, harbors for him, thus making Specialshipping, also known RedxYellow, a shipping as canon as Franticshipping, also known as RubyxSapphire, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? My reply is no
8467184 344206 Will Yellow, The Healer, be the character that Red, The Fighter, is most likely to marry? Signs point to yes
8467183 289640 Will this week be amazing Signs point to yes
8467182 289640 Will I have a better week this week Ask again later
8467181 289640 Will this week be better then last week Reply hazy, try again
8467180 395177 Will I sale 200 books with a $100 budget? It is certain
8467179 395177 Will I sale 50 books next month? Yes
8467178 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Very doubtful
8467177 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Cannot predict now
8467176 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Reply hazy, try again
8467175 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? NO!
8467174 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? Better not tell you now
8467173 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? Better not tell you now
8467172 395177 Will I sale 100 books tomorrow? NO!
8467171 289640 Will they fire me My reply is no
8467170 289640 Will I get the development done Very doubtful
8467169 289640 Will we turn it around Reply hazy, try again
8467168 289640 Will the mall be ok Very doubtful
8467167 289640 Will everything be ok Very doubtful
8467166 289640 Will I get a new job and quit soon Reply hazy, try again
8467165 289640 Will I get it all done My sources say no
8467164 289640 Will we move dr Outlook good
8467163 289640 Will I get a new job soon My reply is no
8467162 289640 Will I get a raise Better not tell you now
8467161 289640 Will we get it all done Most likely
8467160 836662 back to surfing the web Outlook good
8467159 836662 can't figure it Reply hazy, try again
8467158 836662 I dunno why they'd want that mexican My reply is no
8467157 836662 if your face is ugly, they just wanna smack you with a flyswatter Not in a million years
8467148 289640 Will I ever be happy Ask again later
8467147 289640 Will I get a new job soon Ask again later
8467146 92844 Will cee get section 8 very soon My reply is no
8467145 20891 Should I go to the casino It is decidedly so
8467144 289640 Will I be successful It is decidedly so
8467143 20891 Should I go to the casino As I see it, yes
8467136 836662 you have to poison me over her s e x y fat a s s ! Concentrate and ask again
8467135 836662 my girlfriend at the harbor freight wants her fat a s s on my face suffocating me ... why not is what she said It is decidedly so
8467133 836662 not hitting pay dirt with all the hellish fat chicks fat people ! It is decidedly so
8467132 836662 well either way, you gotta prove your looks with attracting all the hot chicks for s e x ! Reply hazy, try again
8467127 836662 hot chicks? My sources say no
8467126 836662 that's your mexican though Ask again later
8467125 836662 I don't even look at your mexican except to observe the f u k k i n mexican tijuana Worlds Most Tasteless Jokes s e x with chickens and farm animals horror movie LIVE Outlook not so good
8467124 836662 where I see hellish damnation and abhorrent life experience... your mexican sees love and intimacy and hugs and cuddles It is decidedly so