the Magic

unfortunately they're gonna have to do it in a concrete apartment in Israel

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8513200 913595 unfortunately they're gonna have to do it in a concrete apartment in Israel Very doubtful
8513198 913595 they said they wanna live together in the white room on planet kamino with the aliens watching them ( like jango and boba fett It is decidedly so
8513196 913595 they're hot hunka hunky lovers for each other Concentrate and ask again
8513195 913595 the jewish professor and his little mexican Yes
8513194 222004 Will h k m s a I w b b l m,s b n a f o m c? My reply is no
8513193 222004 He w p m a k m s? Concentrate and ask again
8513192 222004 Are y l a a t f r? It is decidedly so
8513191 222004 Am I g t d v s n? Count on it
8513190 222004 Do I h m b c c b b c? It is decidedly so
8513189 222004 Are y l a t f r? Better not tell you now
8513188 222004 Is g j g t l m d t t? Outlook good
8513187 222004 Will g p t t a I w b o k? Not in a million years
8513186 851619 I'm gonna have to move Yes
8513185 851619 The pigs found me It is decidedly so
8513184 851619 I think I'm going to move Most likely
8513183 851619 I'm excited Yes
8513182 851619 I'm excited It is decidedly so
8513181 851619 I'm losing weight , getting healthier Concentrate and ask again
8513180 851619 I look good Outlook not so good
8513179 851619 My hair looks hot Outlook good
8513177 851619 Hello girls and freaks Better not tell you now
8513171 442457 is my mums name g. As I see it, yes
8513170 442457 is my real name j. Outlook not so good
8513169 442457 is my real name D. Yes
8513168 222004 Is d friend for real this time? Very doubtful
8513167 222004 Is d friend for real this time? As I see it, yes
8513166 222004 Is d friend for real this time? My sources say no
8513165 222004 Is d friend for real this time? Reply hazy, try again
8513164 222004 Is d f g a f r ? Yes
8513163 222004 Is d f g a f r ? Concentrate and ask again
8513162 222004 Is d f g a f r ? Signs point to yes
8513161 222004 Is d f g a f r ? Yes - definitely
8513155 909142 so nancy pelosi has to get the HEROES act passed Very doubtful
8513145 982215 will son call tonite? Yes - definitely
8513144 222004 Is a o t g t h v s? Better not tell you now
8513143 222004 Are t g t g s d g f u n? Not in a million years
8513142 222004 I h m s b n c a I w l t b a o l? It is decidedly so
8513141 222004 Are y l a t f r a f s n? Better not tell you now
8513140 222004 Do I r h a v a a m f o c t w k m v s? Signs point to yes
8513139 222004 Will I b f a m o h b t f o j? Not in a million years
8513138 222004 Is b g t h a b n t v s n? Most likely
8513137 222004 Is I r r r g t h t t f u? Outlook good
8513136 222004 Are w g t g t b a h o t l v s? Yes - definitely
8513135 323987 someday I'm gonna get a subaru crosstrek Very doubtful
8513134 323987 in the jail I saw a subaru commercial and I asked this trucker guy " are subarus good cars? he says Oh Yeah! ... why you thinkin about gettin one Count on it
8513133 617570 will i get ordered rage longinus tonight Outlook good
8513132 323987 the honda civic hybrid was high on my list for years Yes - definitely
8513131 617570 Will i get ordered rage longinus tonight Concentrate and ask again
8513130 323987 I was gonna get a mercury mariner hybrid It is certain
8513129 323987 I drive a Ford Escape hybrid Without a doubt