the Magic

la la la la la

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8534321 641021 la la la la la Outlook not so good
8534320 676106 Should i work tomorrow NO!
8534319 641021 Had hsnsjw Sheba’s sggsj shshs Signs point to yes
8534318 641021 Ain Noc Da Ralen hates me It is decidedly so
8534317 339493 but her aim is getting better Not in a million years
8534316 339493 my exwife still misses me Without a doubt
8534315 641021 When will my face get dirty Not in a million years
8534314 641021 When will my face get dirty Cannot predict now
8534313 641021 When will my face get dirty Count on it
8534312 641021 When will my face get dirty My sources say no
8534311 641021 When will my face get dirty My sources say no
8534310 641021 When will my face get dirty It is decidedly so
8534309 641021 Should I eat chocolate after I eat my apple Most likely
8534308 641021 Should I play with Bea? As I see it, yes
8534307 537203 are my covid test results going to be negative Reply hazy, try again
8534306 537203 are my test results going to come back negative My reply is no
8534305 522166 Will Sellers go for offer? Without a doubt
8534304 522166 Will Doug be upset? Cannot predict now
8534303 522166 Was that the right statement about Destin? Not in a million years
8534302 522166 Was that the right amount? Most likely
8534301 522166 Was that the right thing to do? My reply is no
8534300 442945 Am I a girl Outlook good
8534299 442945 Am I a girl My reply is no
8534298 1022931 Will I ever be a killer Very doubtful
8534297 442945 How old am I Outlook not so good
8534296 1022931 Will I ever see my crush from 1st grade again It is decidedly so
8534295 1022931 When is my death date Ask again later
8534294 1022931 Will I ever do a 3am challenge? Signs point to yes
8534293 504603 Will Dan text me again? As I see it, yes
8534292 1022931 Will I ever have sleep paralysis? Outlook not so good
8534291 504603 Will I ever see Dan again? Outlook good
8534290 1022931 Will I have a lucid nightmare? Yes - definitely
8534289 98663 arrepentimiento? Outlook not so good
8534288 98663 con alguien mas? My reply is no
8534287 98663 is there contact? My sources say no
8534286 98663 lo que pienso es verdad? My sources say no
8534285 1022931 Show my Wikipedia page Signs point to yes
8534284 357328 Will Matt ever ask me out? It is decidedly so
8534283 1022931 Will I meet a girl that I love and she does too? Not in a million years
8534282 1022931 What is my future Outlook good
8534281 1022931 Will I live alone As I see it, yes
8534280 1022931 When will my computer be ready for use Most likely
8534279 1022931 Will I meet a girl that loves me? As I see it, yes
8534278 1022931 Will my skin turn back to normal? Reply hazy, try again
8534277 1022931 Will I be cool Signs point to yes
8534276 1022931 Will I get a girlfriend? My reply is no
8534267 637240 will I enjoy dinner tonight My reply is no
8534261 98119 is ava straight? NO!
8534249 870834 will i hit lottery big today Yes
8534248 870834 will i hit lottery big today It is certain