the Magic

are we good together

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8541452 192051 are we good together Yes - definitely
8541451 192051 will rob ever stay with me My sources say no
8541450 192051 can I pay off my credit cards off in 3 months Signs point to yes
8541449 192051 will I find a guy It is decidedly so
8541448 192051 will he ever settle down My reply is no
8541447 192051 will we ever be together Ask again later
8541446 192051 will he stay this time Not in a million years
8541445 192051 will he want to date me again Yes - definitely
8541444 192051 will I be a size 6 when Rob comes back It is certain
8541443 192051 will I be a size 6 when he comes back Concentrate and ask again
8541442 192051 will I have at least 45 lbs off It is certain
8541441 192051 when he comes back will I be pretty Cannot predict now
8541440 192051 will rob come back on his own Most likely
8541439 192051 if I am trained correctly will I be a good cna My reply is no
8541438 192051 will I be a good cna Outlook not so good
8541437 192051 will I leave Brookdale this month It is decidedly so
8541436 192051 25 lbs in the next 30 days It is decidedly so
8541435 192051 will I lose 20 lbs in the next 30 days Count on it
8541434 192051 will I look better in 30 days Most likely
8541433 192051 will rob ever love me Without a doubt
8541432 192051 will rob ever love me Concentrate and ask again
8541431 192051 does he love me Not in a million years
8541430 192051 will rob be back Cannot predict now
8541429 226420 sould I do a squisy channel It is certain
8541428 226420 sould I do a art channel Outlook not so good
8541427 226420 sould I make a squisy channel soon or a art channel soon As I see it, yes
8541426 825149 Will h give me his cell number? Not in a million years
8541425 825149 Does he like talking to me? Outlook not so good
8541424 825149 Will we get married? My reply is no
8541423 825149 Will h fall in love with me? Ask again later
8541422 420515 Today Uk 49 lunchtime bonus colour? Count on it
8541421 420515 What is the colour for today uk 49 lunchtime bonus ball? It is certain
8541397 820456 Are you really magic Very doubtful
8541396 820456 Are u ugly Outlook not so good
8541392 820456 Will kaden kiss me Yes
8541390 820456 Will kaden kiss me soon NO!
8541387 820456 Is chase the love of my life Without a doubt
8541386 820456 Is chase a good boyfriend Without a doubt
8541385 820456 Will kaden and I be girlfriend and boyfriend As I see it, yes
8541384 820456 Will kaden and I be boyfriend and girlfriend Concentrate and ask again
8541382 820456 Does kaden love me As I see it, yes
8541380 820456 Will kaden and I date Cannot predict now
8541379 820456 Will kaden ask me to be his girlfriend Outlook not so good
8541378 820456 Will my best friend kaden ask me out Outlook not so good
8541377 725082 Will the service engine light soon light go off on the 03 buick regal tomorrow? Count on it
8541376 262455 Does he really want to be with me Count on it
8541375 801744 Will we get married? Most likely
8541374 801744 Is he the one? Without a doubt
8541373 801744 Is he in love with me? Without a doubt
8541372 812291 will i meet my soul mate at walmart As I see it, yes