the Magic

so here we are again. Saurkraut and Taco. Yap. she didn't like taco much. He sure loved her. But didn't feel...the BEEF for him

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8691157 34483 so here we are again. Saurkraut and Taco. Yap. she didn't like taco much. He sure loved her. But didn't feel...the BEEF for him Yes - definitely
8691156 34483 but ...saur had...a tart of a personalty Without a doubt
8691155 34483 is the beef. Saurkraut didn't have any beef. Taco was VERY upset. he felt...he needed his..."hug" Very doubtful
8691154 34483 now lets get real. Taco...was NOT happy that Saur..was with another man. Sheeese...its like cottage cheeese...with brownies My reply is no
8691153 34483 once up on a time...Taco met Saurkraut in ND As I see it, yes
8691152 34483 i can do a story..of Taco with Saurkraut? i think it might be a good hit Outlook not so good
8691151 34483 i don't feel well. i should lay down My sources say no
8691150 34483 NOT show this. Yes
8691149 34483 its entertaining..and kinda cute Ask again later
8691148 34483 you like it. you love this stuff It is decidedly so
8691147 34483 gotta smile m8. it was fun NO!
8691146 34483 its fun singing i write cute stories Reply hazy, try again
8691145 34483 yeah...i can go on and on As I see it, yes
8691144 34483 twinkle twinkle little onion. High up above in the sky. waving and winking. to Spam at night. She smiled and jiggled. Silver can aglow. When she saw old onion in the sky...she flipped her lid. And wiggled ..and said. "i love you old onion...oh my oh my" Outlook good
8691143 34483 she was lounging like a lizard. All happy going to sea. When i found my happy spam. She was rocking in onion. skin and alive. Most likely
8691142 34483 On top of old onion. All covered with spam. I lost my poor crisp. It rolled of the table..and under a tree. When i found my poor was spam with Ice Tea. Ask again later
8691141 34483 its a new song..i invented. Count on it
8691140 34483 doin the onion dance Most likely
8691139 34483 where o where is SPAM? is she a bed of ONION? mmm...i wouldn't be surprised Most likely
8691138 34483 no doubt about it. It is decidedly so
8691137 34483 get that onion man here. Its time...he met his SPAM lover girl Very doubtful
8691136 34483 but...don't worry...we have plenty of paper wipe away his drool. and her tears As I see it, yes
8691135 34483 the problem...she will shed tears of she lays...on the bed of onion. Yes
8691134 34483 yummy...spam says...YES. bring her to the onion man Not in a million years
8691133 34483 wow..nothing like onion breath..and a spam sandwich It is certain
8691132 34483 its okay. spam. and onion. its a love like NO OTHER Not in a million years
8691131 34483 spam? needs a fresh mint to go with her onion lover Signs point to yes
8691130 34483 he needs a shower. ONIONS...have bad breath. he needs a dentist Outlook good
8691129 34483 yo yo...SPAM was in the houze Most likely
8691128 34483 i love cool whip. I love him even more. Cannot predict now
8691127 34483 i need some cool whip...on top of me. where is he? Without a doubt
8691126 34483 Lol its an onion moment. with spam Yes
8691125 34483 No? she doesn"t love onions? Signs point to yes
8691124 34483 I'm a banana. and she is a spam. i love my cool whip guy. she loves onions Not in a million years
8691123 34483 whip. it goes with me. Banana It is decidedly so
8691122 34483 now me? i'm a banana my man's...cream My sources say no
8691121 34483 spam and onions...nothing like it. yummy Concentrate and ask again
8691120 34483 hope you love to cry. OMA has tears of joy...for you SPAM Ask again later
8691119 34483 yummy its an YUMMY moment in life It is certain
8691118 34483 Yep...and don't forget the ketchup. it goes with the onions...and spam Reply hazy, try again
8691117 34483 OMA? is an ONION. he is a happy fella onion. he has layers and layers..of place the spam in It is decidedly so
8691116 34483 its love. In the style of spam Outlook not so good
8691115 34483 and the ketchup to your gelatin meat Cannot predict now
8691114 34483 he's the onion to your spam Yes
8691113 34483 Oma? nah. more like oniions NO!
8691112 34483 guys come and go. hey spam? you need onions to go with you Yes
8691111 34483 did you wonderful i am? Yes
8691109 34483 nah? you didnt? Most likely
8691108 34483 hello. its me again. did you miss me? Very doubtful
8691101 557247 The señora knows that I was watching outside Better not tell you now