the Magic

45 is teatime number today

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8723525 3532 45 is teatime number today Yes - definitely
8723524 3532 22 is teatime number today Count on it
8723523 3532 16 is teatime number today Without a doubt
8723522 3532 4 is teatime number today Not in a million years
8723521 3532 3 is teatime number today Most likely
8723520 3532 5 Is teatime number today Outlook not so good
8723519 3532 23 is teatime number today It is certain
8723518 3532 17 is teatime number today Yes - definitely
8723517 3532 13 is teatime number today Yes - definitely
8723516 544610 What is my career My reply is no
8723515 544610 What is my name Not in a million years
8723514 544610 Will iwin the lottery Not in a million years
8723513 321786 Will Donna rice text me now Not in a million years
8723512 321786 Will Donna rice text me tonight It is decidedly so
8723506 329190 I will receive the impact payment Yes
8723505 329190 I will receive the impact payment Ask again later
8723504 44781 should i drink tonight Cannot predict now
8723503 29277 should i post that? Outlook good
8723502 34483 Hope he's taking care about it As I see it, yes
8723501 34483 Hope he's taking care about it Cannot predict now
8723500 34483 I do know ..if a pipe bursts?He's gonna have a mess My reply is no
8723499 34483 I. Am not there ...I have no idea Most likely
8723498 34483 Is he just missing the valve?Inside ? Cannot predict now
8723497 34483 Leaky pipes are not good As I see it, yes
8723496 29277 should i send that? Without a doubt
8723495 50913 Does K.S. like me as a boyfriend? Outlook good
8723494 855088 Will there be more courses moved to asynchronous online for this fall? Count on it
8723493 855088 Will there be more asynchronous classes moved online this upcoming fall term? Reply hazy, try again
8723491 708425 should i take this trade? Outlook not so good
8723483 394909 Roses are red? As I see it, yes
8723481 394909 Is this real? Very doubtful
8723468 34483 today is national no housework day. and Coffee Cake day. :D Most likely
8723467 34483 i'm sleepy. i am really tired Most likely
8723466 34483 someone has me on a miltiary radar. i just want to know why As I see it, yes
8723465 622496 Will Paul message me again? It is decidedly so
8723464 34483 i don't know anyting. i don't. Not in a million years
8723463 622496 Did Sophia tell Paul I was crazy? Outlook not so good
8723462 622496 Did Sophia tell Paul Iwas crazy? My sources say no
8723461 34483 wow. okay. its a waste of tax payers money. but oaky My sources say no
8723460 622496 Does Paul trust Sophia’s judgment? Yes - definitely
8723459 34483 its military isnt it? Outlook not so good
8723458 622496 Are Paul and Soohia close? Ask again later
8723457 34483 they plan on keeping me on a radar?is that a correct statement? Ask again later
8723456 622496 Did Paul tell Sophia I messaged him? Count on it
8723455 34483 will i ever be free ? Very doubtful
8723454 34483 its been awhile..since someone took me out. a date with a man my own age Better not tell you now
8723453 34483 i would like to date a good man. a real date. Outlook not so good
8723452 34483 i know how to look good. :) Ask again later
8723451 34483 my hair looked nice today As I see it, yes
8723450 34483 am I a hot girl? Count on it