the Magic

devo entao continuar a solicitação encaminhando para ela ?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8855035 109164 devo entao continuar a solicitação encaminhando para ela ? My sources say no
8855034 109164 eu devo questionar a necessidade do cpf da lais ? Better not tell you now
8855033 109164 eu devo ser chato quanto ao quesito cpf da lais ? Concentrate and ask again
8855032 773858 Will Jorge and I go to the Raiders game? Outlook good
8855031 798188 Am I too smart for this world? As I see it, yes
8855030 798188 Am I isolating myself from meeting people at Hiram G. Andrews? Outlook good
8855029 798188 Am I isolating myself from meeting people at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Count on it
8855028 798188 Am I trying hard enough to make friends at Hiram G. Andrews? My reply is no
8855027 798188 Am I trying hard enough to make friends at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Outlook not so good
8855026 798188 Am I trying hard enough to make friends at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Concentrate and ask again
8855025 798188 Am I trying hard enough to make friends at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Reply hazy, try again
8855024 798188 Am I making a good effort to make friends at Hiram G. Andrews? Very doubtful
8855023 798188 Am I making a good effort to make friends at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Most likely
8855022 798188 Am I sacred? Most likely
8855021 798188 Am I not trying hard enough to make friends at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? It is certain
8855020 798188 Am I not trying hard enough to make friends at Hiram G. Andrews? Signs point to yes
8855019 798188 Am I too antisocial at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? As I see it, yes
8855018 798188 Am I too antisocial at the Hiram G. Andrews Center? Cannot predict now
8855017 798188 Am I too antisocial at Hiram G. Andrews? My sources say no
8855016 798188 Has J. ever wanted to marry me? Count on it
8855015 798188 Has J. ever thought about wanting to marry me? Count on it
8855014 798188 Has J. ever thought about marrying me? Not in a million years
8855013 798188 Am I getting too emotional? Yes
8855012 798188 Did J. feel tears of joy after reading my latest Instagram message? Signs point to yes
8855011 798188 Did J. feel tears of joy after reading my latest message? Signs point to yes
8855010 798188 Is J. thinking about me right now? Outlook good
8855009 798188 Will J. and I ever date in the near future? Outlook good
8855008 798188 Will J. and I ever make out in the future? My sources say no
8855007 798188 Does J. want me to squeeze her body tightly? My reply is no
8855006 798188 Does J. miss me? Very doubtful
8855005 798188 Does J. miss me? Cannot predict now
8855004 798188 Does J. cry over me when I’m not there? Not in a million years
8855003 798188 Does J. cry over me when I’m not there? Ask again later
8855002 798188 Does J. feel miserable without me? Without a doubt
8855001 798188 Does J. think I’m mean? Not in a million years
8855000 798188 Does J. think I am mean? It is decidedly so
8854999 798188 Does J. think I’m nice? Not in a million years
8854998 798188 Does J. think I am nice? NO!
8854997 798188 Does J. feel the same way as I do for her? Most likely
8854996 798188 Does J. feel the same way as I do for her? Concentrate and ask again
8854995 798188 Does J. have an obsession over me? Not in a million years
8854994 798188 Does J. want me to squeeze her tightly? It is certain
8854993 798188 Does J. want me to squeeze her tightly? Better not tell you now
8854990 798188 Does J. want me to be the one to give her my world? My reply is no
8854989 798188 Does J. want me to be the one to give her the world? NO!
8854987 798188 Does Joe Kyle want me to be the one to give her the world? My reply is no
8854986 798188 Does J. want me to give her a hug? Most likely
8854985 798188 Does J. want me to give her a hug? Ask again later
8854984 798188 Does J. love me? Signs point to yes
8854983 798188 Will J. and I ever hug each other tightly all night long? As I see it, yes