the Magic

Is my brother Mark an Atheist?

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8868505 933308 Is my brother Mark an Atheist? Signs point to yes
8868501 933308 Is K. the only girl for me? My reply is no
8868500 933308 Is the K. the only girl for me? Outlook good
8868499 933308 Will K. and I have loads of cash? My sources say no
8868498 167545 Will me and valery watch beatuy and beast ? My reply is no
8868497 933308 Will K. and I be famous? NO!
8868496 933308 Will K. and I be celebrities? My reply is no
8868495 933308 Will K. and I be famous celebrities? NO!
8868494 933308 Will K. and I be famous celebrities? Better not tell you now
8868493 167545 Will i die first before angie?c Not in a million years
8868492 933308 Will K. and I have millions of dollars? It is certain
8868491 933308 Will both K. and I be millionaires? My sources say no
8868490 933308 Will K. and I be millionaires? Not in a million years
8868489 933308 Does Jesus think that K. is the one for me? Without a doubt
8868488 933308 Does God think that K. is the one for me? Yes
8868487 167545 Will Angie and I be friend forever and ever till we die Signs point to yes
8868486 167545 Will me and Angie be friends until we die? NO!
8868485 167545 Will me and valrey be best friends for ever? My reply is no
8868484 167545 Will me and valery be bff forever Outlook not so good
8868483 167545 Will i get the animals i really want ? Outlook not so good
8868482 167545 Well i get my fav animals ? Concentrate and ask again
8868481 167545 Are u lying/? Without a doubt
8868480 167545 Does Angie like boys and girls? Yes - definitely
8868479 167545 Is Angie starihgt? Not in a million years
8868478 167545 Will Angie have girlfriend? My reply is no
8868477 167545 Will Angie's boyfriend cheat on her? Outlook good
8868476 167545 Will my boyfriend cheat on me? NO!
8868475 121607 Is 70 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? As I see it, yes
8868474 121607 Is 190 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? NO!
8868473 121607 38 is going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? It is decidedly so
8868472 167545 Will Angies boyfriend have red hair? Without a doubt
8868471 167545 Will Angies boyfriend have blonde hair? Outlook not so good
8868470 121607 Is 34 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? My reply is no
8868469 167545 Will valery have a boyfired at a young age Yes
8868468 167545 Will valery and marco be togther Yes
8868467 121607 Is 27 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? Outlook good
8868466 167545 Will i have a boyfriend at a young age Count on it
8868465 167545 Will i have a boyfriend at a young age Concentrate and ask again
8868464 167545 Is there left over marco's pizza Outlook not so good
8868463 121607 28 is going to be drawn to uk49 lunchtime today? Count on it
8868462 167545 Does landyn and chevego like dherick It is certain
8868461 167545 Does Landyn like cheavgo Signs point to yes
8868460 121607 Is 24 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? Outlook good
8868459 167545 Does Ladnyn like Angie It is decidedly so
8868458 167545 Dose valery have a crush NO!
8868457 167545 Does Angie have a crush? Yes - definitely
8868456 121607 Is 16 going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? Outlook not so good
8868455 167545 Will my faimly get a house NO!
8868454 34483 may God bless your love and your union. :) Yes - definitely
8868453 121607 17 is going to draw in uk49 lunchtime today? As I see it, yes