the Magic

Did Madeline post after seeing my poem

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9057306 414926 Did Madeline post after seeing my poem Count on it
9057305 414926 Did Madeline read my poem Better not tell you now
9057304 414926 Is Madeline in love with Larry My reply is no
9057303 802597 Is Kareem going to answer my text My reply is no
9057302 802597 Is Jaden back in New York Yes
9057301 802597 Is Raquel in Florida right now Not in a million years
9057300 802597 Was Kareem talking to his exwife Raquel on the phone today My sources say no
9057299 802597 Is Kareem mad at me NO!
9057298 802597 Is Kareem mad right now Yes
9057297 802597 Does Kareem thinks I’m cheating Signs point to yes
9057296 802597 Does Kareem knows I’m not cheating My reply is no
9057295 802597 Is Kareem making things up when he says I’m cheating Outlook good
9057294 802597 Will Kareem try to believe that I been faithful to him Yes
9057293 802597 Will Kareem be angry Without a doubt
9057292 802597 Did he see my message. My reply is no
9057291 872168 Does Madeline want me to talk dirty to her Signs point to yes
9057290 872168 Does Madeline want me to hit on her Outlook not so good
9057289 802597 Will Kareem respond to my text As I see it, yes
9057288 414926 Does Madeline want to please me Count on it
9057287 739370 what should i get ant man or ghost rider Without a doubt
9057285 414926 Will Madeline tell me what bra size she is Not in a million years
9057283 739370 what should i get antman or ghost rider in fortnite Ask again later
9057282 414926 Will Madeline sext me on the phone Concentrate and ask again
9057280 309338 hi. i am new user and i would to ask community, most powerful forum engine is? mybb etc? thanks digg It is decidedly so
9057279 414926 Is Madeline taking a break from me It is certain
9057278 414926 Will Madeline message me again Yes
9057277 414926 Will Madeline ever call me again Most likely
9057276 414926 Will Madeline block me My reply is no
9057275 414926 Will I block Madeline Not in a million years
9057274 414926 Will I ever see Madeline My sources say no
9057273 414926 Will I get to sext Madeline NO!
9057272 414926 Will I get to hang out with Madeline My sources say no
9057271 414926 Does Madeline care about me Very doubtful
9057270 414926 Will Madeline love my poem As I see it, yes
9057269 414926 Will Madeline like my poem It is certain
9057268 414926 Will Madeline read my poem Count on it
9057267 802597 Will Kareem work thing out in our relationship Yes - definitely
9057266 802597 Will things get better between Kareem and I in our relationship As I see it, yes
9057265 377515 Will I find out I’m pregnant in the next month? NO!
9057264 377515 Will a pregnancy test read positive on Friday? Outlook not so good
9057261 414926 Does Madeline think I'm authentic My reply is no
9057260 414926 Does Madeline think about me often Count on it
9057259 414926 Did Madeline fall out of love with me My reply is no
9057258 414926 Will Madeline stay connected with me Yes - definitely
9057257 414926 Does Madeline want to stay connected with me Very doubtful
9057256 414926 Is Madeline angry with me My reply is no
9057254 414926 Is Madeline trying to avoid everyone Outlook not so good
9057253 414926 Is Madeline trying to avoid me My reply is no
9057252 414926 Is Madeline waiting before talking to me Outlook not so good
9057251 960678 Will S and I stay together at least 1 year? Yes - definitely