the Magic

lol, OK, fine I will deal with this when it happens

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9086950 80147 lol, OK, fine I will deal with this when it happens Better not tell you now
9086949 80147 Will I marry Natasha? Outlook not so good
9086948 80147 I actually did what I said I was going to do. I will be in Prague next week with Natasha! so phuck you 9 to 5ers who think you can judge me. If you have been stalking me (like a beeotche} you know what I am talking about. Work hard and tell everyone else to phiuck of. That is my lesson for you young people. As I see it, yes
9086947 80147 Any other coworkers reading this? I don't have anything against you, but, lol, just think about it.Who is right here? Who is violating whom? Why are you here? What do you hope to gain? am I a bad person? sure, but. LOL everyone is! all that I ever wanted from any of you is just a little fun conversation! who are you to judge me? lol, phuck you all, I'll see you all in hell. Not in a million years
9086946 80147 Find someone else to be jealous of. LOL, or maybe you could just live you own phucking life and build something for yourself. thanks, good bye. Signs point to yes
9086945 80147 lol, phuck you Rob, stay out of my business. I don't understand why you are there anyway. Without a doubt
9086944 80147 Lol, phuck all of you. Maybe I should just live my own life, without Jealousy, envy or giving even the slightest shcitt what anyone else thinks. Maybe I should just live my own life for me. I suggest that you all do the same. You will be amazed at what you can do. Don't let anyone else hold you down. Thanks. It is decidedly so
9086936 80147 I'm just a stranger With a twisted smile and I'm wondering, ah Your heart is in danger Come close now, let me tell you a lie Wild child You got me running through the turnstile Baby, come with and I'll make it worthwhile You're gonna get my love today, yeah You are a sweet dream With a tender heart and beautiful smile But things aren't what they seem So I'll let you go and dream for a while Wild child You got me coming outta exile Baby girl, you know I'm liking your style You're gonna get my love today, yeah I just wanna hold you at the end of every day Girl, I wanna please you, oh, I'm needing you to stay The sun is gonna shine if you would just come out and play Baby, won't you show me your wild child ways Wild child You got me running through the turnstile Baby, come with and I'll make it worthwhile You're gonna get my love today, yeah Wild child You got me coming outta exile Baby girl, you know I'm liking your style You're gonna get my love today, yeah Concentrate and ask again
9086935 586413 Am i 15 years old rn? Cannot predict now
9086934 586413 Am i 16 years old rn? My sources say no
9086933 586413 Should i eat it with something else? Without a doubt
9086932 254927 Make out? As I see it, yes
9086931 254927 Am I getting laid? Ask again later
9086926 243158 Will I get a piazza apartment this year? It is certain
9086925 66767 Is Jan Stevens Hizon going to the celestial kingdom? Yes
9086924 243158 Will I get buy 5 investment homes in 2023? Yes
9086923 243158 Will I get the 5 $25,000 business credit cards I’m hoping for next year? Most likely
9086922 243158 Will I get the 5 $25,000 business credit cards I’m hoping for next year? Better not tell you now
9086921 243158 Will I get the $100,000 business credit cards I’m hoping for next year? My reply is no
9086920 243158 Will I get the $100,000 business credit card I’m hoping for next year? Outlook not so good
9086919 243158 Will I get the $100,000 business credit I’m hoping for next year? Count on it
9086918 418615 Would Madeline agree to getting a hotel with me Signs point to yes
9086917 418615 Would Tami agree to getting a hotel with me My reply is no
9086915 206597 Will Kareem take a cab with me As I see it, yes
9086912 34483 Im just tired Cannot predict now
9086911 34483 I feel ok Very doubtful
9086909 34483 That Im suicidal? Yes - definitely
9086908 34483 Is he worried? Not in a million years
9086907 34483 Im tired It is certain
9086906 34483 Im tired Concentrate and ask again
9086905 34483 But I Wont Most likely
9086904 34483 Its late . I should go to the pharmacy Outlook good
9086903 34483 Its 5 pm I cant believe the day flew Without a doubt
9086902 80147 Rob, I don't look up to you or care about your opinions. I did not invite you here and would kindly request that you phuck off. We don't have to talk about this, or talk at all. Thanks Cannot predict now
9086901 34483 I love men . not punks Outlook good
9086900 34483 I love Guys. They are hot Concentrate and ask again
9086899 80147 I don't like dudes at all. YOU should be the one to tell these people to phuck off. NO!
9086898 34483 I needed to purge My sources say no
9086897 34483 Im sleepy My reply is no
9086896 414926 Is Madeline sleeping right now As I see it, yes
9086887 80147 Do not insert any males into my life. Thanks It is decidedly so
9086886 751085 Is he cheating on me Very doubtful
9086885 80147 Honestly, honestly, nothing you do makes any sense to me. I think it's better if you just stay out of my life. We can be friends, but please just don't try to influence or change any aspect of my life. I know what I am doing. thanks. Without a doubt
9086884 80147 don't insert any random dudes into my life. They aren't needed or wanted. I don't know or understand why you would do that. It's very easy for me to make male friends. I'm just not that interested in them. Now I have to tell these people to phuck off. YOU are the reason why they are here. NO!
9086868 414926 Does Madeline see a future with me Concentrate and ask again
9086867 34483 Lol yup it's fun Outlook good
9086866 414926 Does Madeline want to date me Outlook good
9086865 414926 Is Madeline sad about me right now Outlook good
9086860 5016 Lunchtime magic uk 49 Yes - definitely
9086859 693453 Will I win tomorrow on Uk49 lunchtime Most likely