the Magic

Will Kareem text me back

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9208255 979375 Will Kareem text me back Most likely
9208254 979375 Will Kareem reply to my text Not in a million years
9208253 580937 will i get fired Count on it
9208252 298279 is spiro going to be curious why i am going to be quiet Very doubtful
9208251 298279 is he going to get a surprise Without a doubt
9208250 298279 does spiro think your very boring Yes - definitely
9208248 536317 Do my neighbors like me? Most likely
9208247 311137 Will i be ok on money for the weekend Not in a million years
9208246 230863 What about 8 is coming on Count on it
9208245 311137 Will my paycheck deposit today Not in a million years
9208244 311137 Will I have my paycheck after work today My reply is no
9208243 311137 Will I get my paycheck today Cannot predict now
9208242 230863 Is 30 coming on tea Without a doubt
9208241 311137 Will Alisa get my payroll done today Outlook good
9208240 311137 Will Alisa turn in my hours for payroll today Concentrate and ask again
9208239 311137 Will Harry give a bonus today Most likely
9208238 311137 Will we finish up work early today Outlook good
9208237 311137 Will I ever get a raise Signs point to yes
9208236 311137 Will my check be available today after work My sources say no
9208235 311137 Will Harry give us all a bonus Count on it
9208234 311137 Will we get off work early today My sources say no
9208233 311137 Will we get off early today Reply hazy, try again
9208232 230863 Is 29 coming on tea Concentrate and ask again
9208231 230863 34 is coming on tea Cannot predict now
9208230 230863 41 is coming on tea Count on it
9208229 230863 20 is coming on tea Outlook not so good
9208228 230863 46 is coming on tea My sources say no
9208227 230863 22 is coming on tea Not in a million years
9208226 230863 Is 11 coming on tea Yes
9208225 230863 Can you show me the numbers that will come on tea Yes
9208224 230863 What about 49 is it coming on tea As I see it, yes
9208223 230863 Is 18 coming on tea Most likely
9208222 230863 What about 29 is it coming on tea time Yes
9208221 230863 Is 41 coming on tea Yes - definitely
9208220 230863 What about number 20 is it coming at tea time It is certain
9208219 230863 The number 34 is coming on tea Yes
9208208 980085 Global martial law will be announced in this year (2023) Without a doubt
9208207 980085 Global martial law will be announced in this year Yes
9208206 980085 Global martial law will be announced in 2023 Not in a million years
9208205 301201 Does Malcom want a new relationship with me? My reply is no
9208204 301201 Does Malcom have a new f buddy? My reply is no
9208203 301201 Does Malcom have a new f buddy? Concentrate and ask again
9208202 301201 Does Malcom have a new f buddy? Ask again later
9208201 301201 Does Malcom have a new girlfriend? Very doubtful
9208200 301201 Does Malcom want to apologize to me for cheating? Outlook not so good
9208199 301201 Does Malcom want to apologize to me? Very doubtful
9208198 301201 Does Malcom have a conscience? As I see it, yes
9208197 301201 Does Malcom feel bad for hurting me? My reply is no
9208196 301201 Does Malcom feel bad for cheating on me? As I see it, yes
9208195 301201 Does Malcom think about me? Most likely