the Magic

Does she try flirt woth him

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9359237 208343 Does she try flirt woth him It is certain
9359236 208343 Does she fancy him It is decidedly so
9359235 208343 Is that ginger woman working Outlook good
9359234 208343 Is he doing well Yes
9359233 208343 Is he playing other people Signs point to yes
9359232 208343 Will he come home soon as his table done Yes - definitely
9359231 208343 Can I trust him NO!
9359230 208343 W I understand he be ok if I went there It is decidedly so
9359229 208343 Am I pregnant Better not tell you now
9359228 208343 Is he being disloyal Outlook good
9359227 208343 Is he being loyal My sources say no
9359226 208343 Has he been chatting to male friends Count on it
9359225 208343 Did he want to go alone to talk to a female online My sources say no
9359224 208343 Is he just playing pool It is decidedly so
9359223 433745 He mad I mute him on friends NO!
9359222 433745 He mad I mute him on tic tock friends My sources say no
9359221 558528 will my client cancel at the last minute Yes - definitely
9359220 272033 Im not attracted to a sloppy and slob Most likely
9359219 272033 Sloppy guys , I dont want Count on it
9359218 272033 I wont go near someone crazy Most likely
9359217 272033 I wont do it Not in a million years
9359216 272033 I wont go near a guy that refuses to go to a doctor As I see it, yes
9359215 272033 I wont go near a guy that refuses to go to a doctor Ask again later
9359214 272033 Im not attracted to slobs My reply is no
9359213 272033 Im really learning , to make standards real NO!
9359212 272033 I see therefore I am. NO!
9359211 272033 I saw a young guy ...he looked like a young superhero Not in a million years
9359210 272033 Im good . I feel amazing Outlook good
9359209 272033 Lol m8. I look great Signs point to yes
9359208 272033 Lolol I think you look marvelous Outlook not so good
9359207 272033 I love ya m8 My sources say no
9359206 272033 Im hooome . missed me? It is certain
9359205 613560 should i jerkoff rn Most likely
9359204 785750 is this really my time My reply is no
9359203 518028 May pasok ba bukas? It is decidedly so
9359202 785750 should i win the singing contest As I see it, yes
9359201 346960 Will I win big at bingo tonight? My reply is no
9359200 9849 so do i go Very doubtful
9359199 9849 do i go bouldering Count on it
9359198 9849 do i go to bouldering now or tmrw My reply is no
9359197 922457 is he going to talk to me tomorrow Count on it
9359196 525702 Mother Jamaica lina Wallace can't rest morning, truth absolutely Not in a million years
9359195 346960 Will I win at bingo tonight? Count on it
9359194 89576 49 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Most likely
9359193 89576 48 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Yes
9359192 89576 46 is coming out on teatime uk49 today My reply is no
9359191 89576 45 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Most likely
9359190 89576 44 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Yes - definitely
9359189 89576 37 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Very doubtful
9359188 89576 36 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Very doubtful