the Magic

Does my family misses me

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9359729 437398 Does my family misses me Concentrate and ask again
9359728 437398 Why am i not getting a job Outlook not so good
9359727 437398 Why am i struggling Outlook not so good
9359726 437398 Does my kid visit me in my dreams Concentrate and ask again
9359725 437398 Are my kids visit me in my dreams Outlook good
9359724 716711 Jesus doesn’t accepts lost spirits with bad attitudes? Most likely
9359723 716711 Is it possible to set free a lost spirit for them to go to heaven? Count on it
9359722 437398 Are my twins at peace in heaven Very doubtful
9359721 716711 Does Jesus know that about the bad attitude from the lost spirits? Yes
9359720 437398 Is my daughter at peace in heaven It is decidedly so
9359719 437398 Is my daughter at peace in heaven Ask again later
9359718 716711 Does Jesus want his followers to Pray for the Lost Spirits to be forgiven? Signs point to yes
9359717 716711 Does Jesus want his followers to Pray for the Lost Spirits to be set free? My reply is no
9359716 437398 Is 7 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime As I see it, yes
9359715 716711 Does Jesus want his followers to Pray for the Lost Spirits to be healed? Outlook good
9359714 716711 Does Jesus want his followers to Pray for the Lost Spirits to be caste away? NO!
9359713 437398 Is 7 coming as bonus 0n uk 49 lunchtime Most likely
9359712 716711 Does Jesus want his followers to Pray for the Lost Spirits to be released? Very doubtful
9359711 437398 Is 9 coming as bonus 0n uk 49 lunchtime My reply is no
9359710 437398 Is 9 coming as bonus 0n uk 49 lunchtime Better not tell you now
9359709 437398 Is 9 coming as bonus 0n uk 49 lunchtime Ask again later
9359708 437398 Is 41 coming as bonus 0n uk 49 lunchtime NO!
9359707 716711 Does Jesus want me to do something about this Lost Spirit situation? Concentrate and ask again
9359706 716711 Does Jesus considers his followers to pray for the Lost Spirits? Yes - definitely
9359705 433745 He will move on It is certain
9359704 716711 Does Jesus considers that his followers just ignore the Lost Spirits? My reply is no
9359703 433745 He just wants me to help him and then leave me As I see it, yes
9359702 716711 Does Jesus knew about the Lost Spirits antics? As I see it, yes
9359701 433745 He cant sleep My sources say no
9359700 433745 He mad I blocked him Most likely
9359699 437398 Is 41 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime Not in a million years
9359698 437398 Is 24 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime Without a doubt
9359697 437398 Is 28 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime Most likely
9359696 437398 Is 18 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime Yes
9359695 716711 Do you dislike me for the questions I had asked? NO!
9359694 716711 Do you dislike me? Concentrate and ask again
9359693 716711 Am I in danger? It is decidedly so
9359692 437398 Is 15 coming 0n uk 49 lunchtime Yes
9359691 716711 Does Jesus do something about these Lost Spirits when a prayer was made? Not in a million years
9359690 437398 Is 41 coming on uk 49 lunchtime Yes
9359689 437398 Is 32 coming on uk 49 lunchtime Count on it
9359688 437398 Is 42 coming on uk 49 lunchtime Without a doubt
9359687 437398 Is 1 coming on uk 49 lunchtime Outlook not so good
9359686 716711 Can Jesus do something about these Lost Spirits? Concentrate and ask again
9359685 716711 Can Prayer do something about these Lost Spirits? Not in a million years
9359684 437398 Is 17 continue on uk 49 lunchtime Count on it
9359683 716711 Can the Lost Spirit touch an Angel? Without a doubt
9359682 716711 Can the Angels touch a Lost Spirit? Not in a million years
9359681 716711 Are the Lost Spirits dangerous to the Angels safety? Count on it
9359680 716711 Were any of the Lost Spirits that roam free are considered dangerous to any Angels on Earth? Reply hazy, try again