the Magic

In name of Jesus amen, Pastor Alpha Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace and me over for good, Jamaica Omar o wallace tells truth what he's done, truth, won't let me go truth, absolutely, really, really. Haitian belle fanm kreyol girl angry Jamaica Omar o wallace won't leave me for her, not. Jamaica Omar o wallace called friends anil mohair about me Jamaica Omar o wallace confess truth, absolutely, really

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
9359836 513675 In name of Jesus amen, Pastor Alpha Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace and me over for good, Jamaica Omar o wallace tells truth what he's done, truth, won't let me go truth, absolutely, really, really. Haitian belle fanm kreyol girl angry Jamaica Omar o wallace won't leave me for her, not. Jamaica Omar o wallace called friends anil mohair about me Jamaica Omar o wallace confess truth, absolutely, really It is decidedly so
9359835 556229 Pastor Alpha Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace and me over for good, Jamaica Omar o wallace tells truth what he's done, truth, won't let me go truth, absolutely, really, really. Haitian belle fanm kreyol girl angry Jamaica Omar o wallace won't leave me for her, not. Jamaica Omar o wallace called friends anil mohair about me Jamaica Omar o wallace confess truth, absolutely, really Count on it
9359834 513675 Pastor Alpha Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace and me over for good, Jamaica Omar o wallace tells truth what he's done, truth, won't let me go truth, absolutely, really, really. Haitian belle fanm kreyol girl angry Jamaica Omar o wallace won't leave me for her, not. Jamaica Omar o wallace called friends anil mohair about me truth, absolutely, really It is decidedly so
9359833 513675 Pastor Alpha Lucas South Africa worldwide ministries, In name of Jesus amen, Jamaica Omar o wallace and me over for good, Jamaica Omar o wallace tells truth what he's done, truth, won't let me go truth, absolutely, really, really. Haitian belle fanm kreyol girl angry Jamaica Omar o wallace won't leave me for her, not. Jamaica Omar o wallace called friends anil mohair about me truth It is decidedly so
9359832 704347 Should i bo first? My sources say no
9359831 704347 Will she want sloppy 2nds? Outlook good
9359830 704347 Will she want me inside? Yes - definitely
9359829 704347 Will she want me To clean? Not in a million years
9359828 704347 Will she want me? Signs point to yes
9359827 704347 Will he fill her up? Most likely
9359826 704347 Will she come home horny? It is decidedly so
9359825 704347 Will she come home tired? Cannot predict now
9359824 704347 Will they do it today? Count on it
9359823 704347 Are they doing the wild thing? My sources say no
9359822 704347 Is Sally out with her bf? Yes
9359821 252070 is tom going to spend easter with paul As I see it, yes
9359820 252070 is my cousin tom wanting to know what I am going to do with this house My sources say no
9359819 252070 is my cousin tom wanting to know about the deed to the house My sources say no
9359818 461113 Am I more successful than those two combined? Signs point to yes
9359817 955002 Does ray love me Signs point to yes
9359816 955002 Does ray think about me Count on it
9359815 125422 will today go well Most likely
9359814 704347 Do i feed them in panties? My reply is no
9359813 704347 Do i feed them naked? It is decidedly so
9359812 704347 Fo i feed them in only a t shirt? Most likely
9359811 704347 Do i wear a nightie? Most likely
9359810 704347 Do i go feed the birds in my pjs? Outlook not so good
9359809 704347 Do i feed the birds in my pjs? Concentrate and ask again
9359808 766891 Will Tanja send me naked photos It is decidedly so
9359807 766891 Will tanja and I sext while I am in Europe It is decidedly so
9359806 766891 Will tanja and I get married one day NO!
9359805 841777 Will I get a chinita gf? Most likely
9359804 841777 will I get a gf soon Most likely
9359803 433745 Louie mad I block him Very doubtful
9359802 841777 Will I get a goth gf soon? Outlook not so good
9359801 433745 He mad that I block him Without a doubt
9359800 433745 He trying to reach me NO!
9359799 433745 He can’t not slepp Yes - definitely
9359798 433745 He mad I’m not helping him As I see it, yes
9359797 433745 He mad that i blocked him My reply is no
9359796 618349 47 is coming out on teatime uk49 today As I see it, yes
9359795 618349 42 is coming out on teatime uk49 today My reply is no
9359794 618349 39 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Outlook good
9359793 618349 3 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Without a doubt
9359792 618349 1 is coming out on teatime uk49 today Count on it
9359791 618349 42 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Very doubtful
9359790 618349 47 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Signs point to yes
9359789 618349 25 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today Ask again later
9359788 618349 5 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 today It is decidedly so
9359787 618349 5 is coming out on lunchtime uk49 Reply hazy, try again