the Magic

is city mazda going to give you good news about your car

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ID Anonymous Number Question Answer
8467219 165410 is city mazda going to give you good news about your car My reply is no
8467218 947863 Are you clueless You Very doubtful
8467217 947863 Will I merry lucas? Outlook not so good
8467216 165410 is uncle George waiting for me to call him today to see how he went Yes
8467215 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixable at force electronics Outlook good
8467214 165410 am I going to find a lcd computer monitor at cash converters It is decidedly so
8467213 165410 do I have to find another computer screen that is the same Count on it
8467212 165410 is my computer screen going to be fixable Outlook not so good
8467211 165410 is yoga going to help you with the blood cancer alot Outlook good
8467210 165410 is uncle George going to ring you tonight to see how you are doing Without a doubt
8467209 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixed by force electronics Concentrate and ask again
8467208 165410 is the Samsung computer monitor going to be fixable at force electronics My sources say no
8467207 165410 is the Samsung monitor going to be fixable at force electronics Reply hazy, try again
8467206 165410 is the Samsung monitor going to cost a lot of money to fix Outlook not so good
8467205 165410 is my Samsung monitor going to cost me to fix Outlook good
8467204 836662 your mexican walking into the Golden Corral in 2016 will never attract that gwyneth paltrow teenager in there Outlook not so good
8467203 836662 Miss Sikes, here's some more of your favorite p o r n tcgol8x Not in a million years
8467202 836662 your mexican walking into the west side Pizza Hut in 2016, will never attract that aly michalka in there NO!
8467201 836662 here's your mexican seeing the great big ugly fat chicks and the table of ugly old women y6e977yl Outlook not so good
8467200 836662 gettin all cha cha cha with the ugly fat chicks It is certain
8467199 836662 I'm so glad I'm not an ugly mexican in South Dakota Without a doubt
8467198 836662 you got rejected by hot blonde Miss South Dakota Yes
8467197 836662 you're not from Rapid City. Without a doubt
8467196 836662 can't attract a hot chick, ugly mexican Yes - definitely
8467195 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, eventually be revealed to canonically be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Count on it
8467194 344206 Will I forever be happy with the end result of Specialshipping in the future? Most likely
8467193 344206 Will I forever be happy with the end result of Specialshipping in the future? Not in a million years
8467192 344206 Will I forever be happy with the end result of Specialshipping in the future? Not in a million years
8467191 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, eventually be revealed to canonically be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Yes - definitely
8467190 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, eventually be revealed to be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Yes
8467189 344206 So will Red, The Fighter, will eventually be revealed to be romantically attracted to Yellow, The Healer, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Without a doubt
8467188 344206 In the Pokémon Adventures manga series, which is currently written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto, will Red, The Fighter, canonically reciprocate the romantic feelings that Yellow, The Healer, harbors for him, thus leading to Specialshipping, also known as RedxYellow, becoming a shipping as canon as Franticshipping, also known as RubyxSapphire, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, which is currently being written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? Signs point to yes
8467187 344206 Will the next question I ask be have a true answer? Most likely
8467186 344206 Is the answer to 8467185 a lie? It is decidedly so
8467185 344206 In the Pokémon Adventures manga series, written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto, will Red, The Fighter, canonically reciprocate the romantic feelings that Yellow, The Healer, harbors for him, thus making Specialshipping, also known RedxYellow, a shipping as canon as Franticshipping, also known as RubyxSapphire, in the Pokémon Adventures manga series, written by Hidenori Kusaka and illustrated by Satoshi Yamamoto? My reply is no
8467184 344206 Will Yellow, The Healer, be the character that Red, The Fighter, is most likely to marry? Signs point to yes
8467183 289640 Will this week be amazing Signs point to yes
8467182 289640 Will I have a better week this week Ask again later
8467181 289640 Will this week be better then last week Reply hazy, try again
8467180 395177 Will I sale 200 books with a $100 budget? It is certain
8467179 395177 Will I sale 50 books next month? Yes
8467178 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Very doubtful
8467177 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Cannot predict now
8467176 395177 Will I sale 50 books in tomorrow? Reply hazy, try again
8467175 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? NO!
8467174 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? Better not tell you now
8467173 395177 Will I sale 100 books in March? Better not tell you now
8467172 395177 Will I sale 100 books tomorrow? NO!
8467171 289640 Will they fire me My reply is no
8467170 289640 Will I get the development done Very doubtful